class Unique implements Stringable (View source)
protected string | $table | The table to run the query against. |
from DatabaseRule |
protected string | $column | The column to check on. |
from DatabaseRule |
protected array | $wheres | The extra where clauses for the query. |
from DatabaseRule |
protected array | $using | The array of custom query callbacks. |
from DatabaseRule |
protected mixed | $ignore | The ID that should be ignored. |
protected string | $idColumn | The name of the ID column. |
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
Create a new rule instance.
Resolves the name of the table from the given string.
Set a "where" constraint on the query.
Set a "where not" constraint on the query.
Set a "where not null" constraint on the query.
Set a "where in" constraint on the query.
Set a "where not in" constraint on the query.
Ignore soft deleted models during the existence check.
Only include soft deleted models during the existence check.
Ignore the given ID during the unique check.
Ignore the given model during the unique check.
Convert the rule to a validation string.
when($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
unless($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
__construct(string $table, string $column = 'NULL')
Create a new rule instance.
resolveTableName(string $table)
Resolves the name of the table from the given string.
where(Closure|string $column, Arrayable|BackedEnum|Closure|array|string|int|bool|null $value = null)
Set a "where" constraint on the query.
whereNot(string $column, Arrayable|BackedEnum|array|string $value)
Set a "where not" constraint on the query.
whereNull(string $column)
Set a "where null" constraint on the query.
whereNotNull(string $column)
Set a "where not null" constraint on the query.
whereIn(string $column, Arrayable|BackedEnum|array $values)
Set a "where in" constraint on the query.
whereNotIn(string $column, Arrayable|BackedEnum|array $values)
Set a "where not in" constraint on the query.
withoutTrashed(string $deletedAtColumn = 'deleted_at')
Ignore soft deleted models during the existence check.
onlyTrashed(string $deletedAtColumn = 'deleted_at')
Only include soft deleted models during the existence check.
using(Closure $callback)
Register a custom query callback.
Get the custom query callbacks for the rule.
protected string
Format the where clauses.
ignore(mixed $id, string|null $idColumn = null)
Ignore the given ID during the unique check.
ignoreModel(Model $model, string|null $idColumn = null)
Ignore the given model during the unique check.
Convert the rule to a validation string.