abstract class Queue (View source)
protected Container | $container | The IoC container instance. |
protected string | $connectionName | The connection name for the queue. |
protected bool | $dispatchAfterCommit | Indicates that jobs should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed. |
static protected callable[] | $createPayloadCallbacks | The create payload callbacks. |
Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
Given a start time, format the total run time for human readability.
Push a new job onto the queue.
Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
Create a payload array from the given job and data.
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
Get the display name for the given job.
Get the maximum number of attempts for an object-based queue handler.
Get the backoff for an object-based queue handler.
Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.
Determine if the job should be encrypted.
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.
Enqueue a job using the given callback.
Determine if the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
Raise the job queued event.
Get the connection name for the queue.
Set the connection name for the queue.
Get the container instance being used by the connection.
protected int
secondsUntil(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay)
Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
protected int
availableAt(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay = 0)
Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.
protected DateTimeInterface|int
parseDateInterval(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay)
If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
protected int
Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.
protected string
runTimeForHumans(float $startTime, float $endTime = null)
Given a start time, format the total run time for human readability.
pushOn(string $queue, string $job, mixed $data = '')
Push a new job onto the queue.
laterOn(string $queue, DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay, string $job, mixed $data = '')
Push a new job onto a specific queue after (n) seconds.
bulk(array $jobs, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null)
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
protected string
createPayload(Closure|string|object $job, string $queue, mixed $data = '')
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
protected array
createPayloadArray(string|object $job, string $queue, mixed $data = '')
Create a payload array from the given job and data.
protected array
createObjectPayload(object $job, string $queue)
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
protected string
getDisplayName(object $job)
Get the display name for the given job.
getJobTries(mixed $job)
Get the maximum number of attempts for an object-based queue handler.
getJobBackoff(mixed $job)
Get the backoff for an object-based queue handler.
getJobExpiration(mixed $job)
Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.
protected bool
jobShouldBeEncrypted(object $job)
Determine if the job should be encrypted.
protected array
createStringPayload(string $job, string $queue, mixed $data)
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
static void
createPayloadUsing(callable|null $callback)
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
protected array
withCreatePayloadHooks(string $queue, array $payload)
Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.
protected mixed
enqueueUsing(Closure|string|object $job, string $payload, string $queue, DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int|null $delay, callable $callback)
Enqueue a job using the given callback.
protected bool
shouldDispatchAfterCommit(Closure|string|object $job)
Determine if the job should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed.
protected void
raiseJobQueuedEvent(string|int|null $jobId, Closure|string|object $job, string $payload)
Raise the job queued event.
Get the connection name for the queue.
setConnectionName(string $name)
Set the connection name for the queue.
Get the container instance being used by the connection.
setContainer(Container $container)
Set the IoC container instance.