class PendingChainFake extends PendingChain (View source)
mixed | $job | The class name of the job being dispatched. |
from PendingChain |
array | $chain | The jobs to be chained. |
from PendingChain |
string|null | $connection | The name of the connection the chain should be sent to. |
from PendingChain |
string|null | $queue | The name of the queue the chain should be sent to. |
from PendingChain |
DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int|null | $delay | The number of seconds before the chain should be made available. |
from PendingChain |
array | $catchCallbacks | The callbacks to be executed on failure. |
from PendingChain |
protected BusFake | $bus | The fake bus instance. |
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
Set the desired connection for the job.
Set the desired delay in seconds for the chain.
Dispatch the job with the given arguments.
when($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) truthy.
unless($value = null, callable $callback = null, callable $default = null)
Apply the callback if the given "value" is (or resolves to) falsy.
__construct(BusFake $bus, mixed $job, array $chain)
Create a new pending chain instance.
onConnection(string|null $connection)
Set the desired connection for the job.
onQueue(string|null $queue)
Set the desired queue for the job.
delay(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int|null $delay)
Set the desired delay in seconds for the chain.
catch(callable $callback)
Add a callback to be executed on job failure.
Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered.
Dispatch the job with the given arguments.