class Gate implements Gate (View source)
protected Container | $container | The container instance. |
protected callable | $userResolver | The user resolver callable. |
protected array | $abilities | All of the defined abilities. |
protected array | $policies | All of the defined policies. |
protected array | $beforeCallbacks | All of the registered before callbacks. |
protected array | $afterCallbacks | All of the registered after callbacks. |
protected array | $stringCallbacks | All of the defined abilities using class@method notation. |
protected Response|null | $defaultDenialResponse | The default denial response for gates and policies. |
protected callable|null | $guessPolicyNamesUsingCallback | The callback to be used to guess policy names. |
Create a new access response.
Throws an unauthorized exception.
Deny with a HTTP status code.
Deny with a 404 HTTP status code.
Create a new gate instance.
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
Authorize a given condition or callback.
Define a new ability.
Define abilities for a resource.
Create the ability callback for a callback string.
Define a policy class for a given class type.
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
Determine if all of the given abilities should be denied for the current user.
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
Inspect the user for the given ability.
Get the raw result from the authorization callback.
Determine whether the callback/method can be called with the given user.
Determine if the given class method allows guests.
Determine if the callback allows guests.
Determine if the given parameter allows guests.
Resolve and call the appropriate authorization callback.
Call all of the before callbacks and return if a result is given.
Call all of the after callbacks with check result.
Dispatch a gate evaluation event.
Resolve the callable for the given ability and arguments.
Get a policy instance for a given class.
Guess the policy name for the given class.
Specify a callback to be used to guess policy names.
Build a policy class instance of the given type.
Resolve the callback for a policy check.
Call the "before" method on the given policy, if applicable.
Call the appropriate method on the given policy.
Format the policy ability into a method name.
Resolve the user from the user resolver.
Get all of the defined abilities.
Get all of the defined policies.
protected Response
allow(string|null $message = null, mixed $code = null)
Create a new access response.
protected Response
deny(string|null $message = null, mixed|null $code = null)
Throws an unauthorized exception.
denyWithStatus(int $status, string|null $message = null, int|null $code = null)
Deny with a HTTP status code.
denyAsNotFound(string|null $message = null, int|null $code = null)
Deny with a 404 HTTP status code.
__construct(Container $container, callable $userResolver, array $abilities = [], array $policies = [], array $beforeCallbacks = [], array $afterCallbacks = [], callable $guessPolicyNamesUsingCallback = null)
Create a new gate instance.
has(string $ability)
Determine if a given ability has been defined.
allowIf(Response|Closure|bool $condition, string|null $message = null, string|null $code = null)
Perform an on-demand authorization check. Throw an authorization exception if the condition or callback is false.
denyIf(Response|Closure|bool $condition, string|null $message = null, string|null $code = null)
Perform an on-demand authorization check. Throw an authorization exception if the condition or callback is true.
protected Response
authorizeOnDemand(Response|Closure|bool $condition, string|null $message, string|null $code, bool $allowWhenResponseIs)
Authorize a given condition or callback.
define(string $ability, callable|string $callback)
Define a new ability.
resource(string $name, string $class, array $abilities = null)
Define abilities for a resource.
protected Closure
buildAbilityCallback(string $ability, string $callback)
Create the ability callback for a callback string.
policy(string $class, string $policy)
Define a policy class for a given class type.
before(callable $callback)
Register a callback to run before all Gate checks.
after(callable $callback)
Register a callback to run after all Gate checks.
allows(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
denies(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if the given ability should be denied for the current user.
check(iterable|string $abilities, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if all of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
any(iterable|string $abilities, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if any one of the given abilities should be granted for the current user.
none(iterable|string $abilities, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if all of the given abilities should be denied for the current user.
authorize(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Determine if the given ability should be granted for the current user.
inspect(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Inspect the user for the given ability.
raw(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
Get the raw result from the authorization callback.
protected bool
canBeCalledWithUser(Authenticatable|null $user, Closure|string|array $class, string|null $method = null)
Determine whether the callback/method can be called with the given user.
protected bool
methodAllowsGuests(string $class, string $method)
Determine if the given class method allows guests.
protected bool
callbackAllowsGuests(callable $callback)
Determine if the callback allows guests.
protected bool
parameterAllowsGuests(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
Determine if the given parameter allows guests.
protected bool
callAuthCallback(Authenticatable|null $user, string $ability, array $arguments)
Resolve and call the appropriate authorization callback.
protected bool|null
callBeforeCallbacks(Authenticatable|null $user, string $ability, array $arguments)
Call all of the before callbacks and return if a result is given.
protected bool|null
callAfterCallbacks(Authenticatable $user, string $ability, array $arguments, bool $result)
Call all of the after callbacks with check result.
protected void
dispatchGateEvaluatedEvent(Authenticatable|null $user, string $ability, array $arguments, bool|null $result)
Dispatch a gate evaluation event.
protected callable
resolveAuthCallback(Authenticatable|null $user, string $ability, array $arguments)
Resolve the callable for the given ability and arguments.
getPolicyFor(object|string $class)
Get a policy instance for a given class.
protected array
guessPolicyName(string $class)
Guess the policy name for the given class.
guessPolicyNamesUsing(callable $callback)
Specify a callback to be used to guess policy names.
resolvePolicy(object|string $class)
Build a policy class instance of the given type.
protected bool|callable
resolvePolicyCallback(Authenticatable $user, string $ability, array $arguments, mixed $policy)
Resolve the callback for a policy check.
protected mixed
callPolicyBefore(mixed $policy, Authenticatable $user, string $ability, array $arguments)
Call the "before" method on the given policy, if applicable.
protected mixed
callPolicyMethod(mixed $policy, string $method, Authenticatable|null $user, array $arguments)
Call the appropriate method on the given policy.
protected string
formatAbilityToMethod(string $ability)
Format the policy ability into a method name.
forUser(Authenticatable|mixed $user)
Get a gate instance for the given user.
protected mixed
Resolve the user from the user resolver.
Get all of the defined abilities.
Get all of the defined policies.
defaultDenialResponse(Response $response)
Set the default denial response for gates and policies.
setContainer(Container $container)
Set the container instance used by the gate.